The school offers four majors: Water Conservancy and Hydropower Engineering Technology, Water Supply and Drainage Engineering Technology, Construction Engineering Technology, and Intelligent Monitoring and Treatment of Water Environment. It has 13 on-campus training sites and is the only vocational college in Beijing that offers water-related programs. In 2022, it conducted academic exchange activities in the field of water conservancy with Pakistan.
The school has a total of 37 faculty members, including 2 professors and 2 postdoctoral fellows. The Water Conservancy Engineering program has been approved as one of the “Second Batch of Outstanding Specialized Programs (Group) in Beijing Vocational Colleges.” The faculty has established the "Beijing Drainage Group Water Supply and Drainage Craftsman Technician College" and the pilot program "Qinghe Water Conservancy Construction Engineer College" under the modern apprenticeship system. Currently, it has partnerships with 55 enterprises for collaborative education.
Dr. Feng Ji, specializing in Water Conservancy and Hydropower Engineering Technology, gives an academic exchange lecture with Dr. Muhammad Ashraf from Khwaja Fareed University of Engineering and Information Technology
Comprehensive Water Conservation Training Base
Water Environment Testing Training Base
Engineering Cost and Bidding Training Room
Comprehensive Engineering Construction Training Room
BIM Training Room for Water Conservancy Engineering
Engineering Surveying and Mapping Instrument Preparation Room
Water Conservancy Engineering Surveying and Mapping Training Room
Engineering Construction Simulation Training Room
Engineering Quality Testing Training Room
Building Materials and Geotechnical Indoor Testing Training Room
Construction Trades Training Base
Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering Training Field
Manual Drawing Room
Cultural Corridor
Students participate in the "Architectural Drawing Skills" Competition
Students participate in the "Water Treatment Technology" Skills Competition
Students participate in the "CAD Skills" Competition
Students participate in the "Engineering Surveying Skills" Competition
International Cooperation and Exchange Department of BVCA TEL:(+86)010 89909709 P. R.China,102442